We have a very large and diverse following: from extremely sophisticated financial institutions to smart accredited retail investors (high-net-worth professionals).
This is why some of our publishings resonate with you upon first glance and others… well… don’t.
That being said, the most valuable insights you’ll gain will likely be found in content that is ostensibly written for segments of the market with whom you don’t immediately identify…
For example, you’ve seen us discuss complex financially-engineered solutions for the most sophisticated of institutions such as GP stakes structures with funds of funds and private structured products. That content also discusses how retail investors can benefit from and even participate in such structures.
You’ve seen discussion about financial advisors and scaling AUM, but that discussion also informs retail investors, alternative asset managers, and institutions on principles that will provide substantial positive impact to their portfolios as well.
We compare real estate to stocks in quantitative terms as an example that illustrates how to meaningfully evaluate any investment: from art collections to private equity. The reality is that the latest and most complex mathematics in quantitative finance remedies the glaring shortcomings at every level of investing culture: a process driven by stories, feelings, and relationships (and in the case of most institutions: bureaucracy, bad heuristics, and flawed math) as opposed to meaningful, objective analysis.
On the surface, this content may appear too advanced for some—and at times, even too simplistic for others. We approach subjects from many different vantage points…
Sometimes we create content in simplistic qualitative terms (for those who don’t like math) or in a conversational video format that is easy for anyone to understand. We show how retail investors can benefit from these seemingly complex solutions in ways unmatched by anything they’ll see from a typical financial advisor.
At other times, we write in a relatively dry, technical manner (to prove the merit of avant-garde concepts to the skeptical financial professional).
The ideas around investment analysis and financial engineering we discuss are critical for anyone who actually cares about the performance of their investments to understand. We provide extremely valuable and esoteric insight that is meant to be used—at some level—by every investor: retail, institutional, or otherwise.
In short, what we cover seldom fits the expectations readers infer based upon a superficial look. The principles required to effectively maximize returns, minimize risk, preserve and even raise capital are known by very few but are universally applicable…
To learn more, read The Shadow Banker’s Secrets: Investment Banking for Alternatives, and schedule your free private consultation.